Venous Leg ulcer – What are its causes, symptoms, prevention & the best treatment.

Venous Leg ulcer - What are it's causes, symptoms, prevention & the best treatment - KBK HOSPITALS BLOG IMAGE 2023

Introduction – Venous Leg ulcers are sores on legs that take weeks, or sometimes months, to heal. These ulcers occur when the veins in the legs cannot circulate blood back to the heart, resulting in blood pooling in the legs and subsequent damage to the skin. They can worsen quickly, putting you at risk for complications … Read more

Understanding what are Chronic skin ulcers? Their types, causes & Best treatment.


Introduction: A Chronic skin ulcer is an open sore that arises on your infected skin for more than four to six weeks. It’s also known as a pressure ulcer, venous stasis ulcer, and leg or diabetic wound. Such Chronic skin ulcer are caused by increased pressure in one particular area of the body. That means … Read more