Complications of Untreated Cellulitis in Diabetic Patients

Untreated Cellulitis in Diabetic Patients

Diabetic patients face numerous health challenges, one of which is the increased risk of infections such as cellulitis. Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection that can become severe if not treated promptly, particularly in individuals with diabetes. In this article, we will explore the complications of untreated cellulitis in diabetic patients and discuss how KBK … Read more

What is the Connection between Gangrene & Diabetes? Know more here.

What is the Connection between Gangrene & Diabetes Know more here - KBK HOSPITALS 2023

Introduction – How can a Gangrene appear ? Gangrene can manifest as a severe medical condition when there is insufficient blood supply to tissues, leading to tissue death. It often presents with symptoms such as discoloration (black or greenish), severe pain, swelling, and foul odor. Timely intervention is crucial, and patients should seek a Gangrene … Read more

Can Diabetes be cured? The types of diabetes, their causes and symptoms.

Can diabetes be cured, The types of diabetes, their causes and symptoms.

Introduction – Diabetes is one of the most common chronic illnesses in the world, affecting over 415 million people globally. It’s a serious condition that can have long-term consequences if left untreated. So it’s important to understand the different types of diabetes, their causes, and their symptoms. This comprehensive guide aims to understand better diabetes, … Read more