Can Diabetes be cured? The types of diabetes, their causes and symptoms.

Introduction –

Diabetes is one of the most common chronic illnesses in the world, affecting over 415 million people globally. It’s a serious condition that can have long-term consequences if left untreated. So it’s important to understand the different types of diabetes, their causes, and their symptoms. This comprehensive guide aims to understand better diabetes, and its types, with their distinct causes, symptoms & Diabetes treatment. With some treatment strategies, you can help others to manage this condition with a healthy life.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes comes through a condition where the body’s blood sugar level is so high. It increases when the pancreas is not able to make the required insulin, as per the body’s need. 

Overall, diabetes represents a collection of conditions defined by a shortage or inefficient insulin usage within the body. This vital hormone helps transfer glucose, the lifeblood of our energy, from our bloodstream into our cells. However, glucose accumulates in our blood when insulin falters, sowing the seeds of various health issues.

Diabetes affects to all ages of people. Diabetes is a lifelong disease, but you can manage it with medications and some lifestyle changes.

Types of diabetes:

There are many types of diabetes. Some most common are:

  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes –

Diabetes type 1 is considered an autoimmune condition. In this condition, the body’s immune system tries to destroy the insulin-producing cells from the pancreas for an unknown reason. In the whole world, only 10% of people have type 1 diabetes. Genetic and lifestyle factors are the main reasons for developing type 1 diabetes. It can affect anyone at any age.

Type 2 diabetes –

Type 2 diabetes, at its core, begins with insulin resistance. It makes the body crave but not efficiently utilize insulin. The poor pancreas works overtime to compensate but eventually can’t keep up. This insulin deficiency causes a bigger reason for developing high or elevated blood sugar.

Although the precise origin of this condition remains unsolved. Still, some factors are there which can be a cause to type 2 diabetes. Such as your genes, increasingly sedentary lifestyle, or tipping the scales towards obesity, etc. Except these, there are more hidden factors lurking in the shadows, waiting to be discovered.

Gestational diabetes –

During the time of pregnancy, some expecting individuals may encounter gestational diabetes. But this is a temporary condition that goes away once the baby arrives. In some cases, this might be a warning sign of a potential rendezvous with Type 2 diabetes in the future. There are many chances of this gestational diabetes for those with prediabetes or a family history of diabetes.

Causes of diabetes:

Diabetes, irrespective of the kind, is the main cause of excess glucose in the blood. Yet, it depends on the type of diabetes you have. There are several causes for elevated blood glucose levels.

These are:

Insulin resistance:

This is the primary instigator of Type 2 diabetes. This happens when cells of muscle, liver, and fat start ignoring insulin cells. Some more factors are there that help to increase the percentage of insulin resistance. Such as unhealthy diet, hormonal havoc, no physical activity, including obesity.

Autoimmune disease:

This is the main source causing type 1 diabetes. This rogue operative infiltrates your immune system, launching a surprise attack on the innocent insulin-producing cells in your pancreas.

Hormonal imbalances:

Expecting a baby can bring about hormonal ups and downs. Sometimes the placenta’s release of hormones can lead to insulin resistance, potentially triggering gestational diabetes. Examine your body for other hormonal conditions that can lead to diabetes, such as acromegaly and Cushing syndrome.

Pancrease damage:

The pancreas organ is responsible for making insulin. Sometimes, unfortunate events like injuries or surgical complications can impact its function, resulting in a rare form of diabetes called Type 3c.

Genetic mutations:

Genetics can mix things up, creating conditions like MODY and neonatal diabetes through gene mutations.

Symptoms of diabetes –

Unmanaged diabetes is more than just an elevated blood sugar level. Common signs of this condition include feeling excessively thirsty and hungry, frequent urination, drowsiness or fatigue, dry and itchy skin, blurry vision, and slow-healing wounds.  

Type 1 diabetes may cause unexplained weight loss, while type 2 could result in discolored patches on the folds of your armpits and neck, plus pain in your feet upon diagnosis.  

People with type 1 might even experience a life-threatening complication called diabetic ketoacidosis due to low insulin levels amidst high glucose readings.

You can see both types of diabetes at any age of people. Mostly type 1 appears in young adults.

The people’s age is over 45, and many chances are there to suffer from type 2 diabetes.

Complications of diabetes:

With time complications develop in diabetes patients. Poor blood sugar levels are essential in raising serious and life-threatening complications. 

Makes chronic complications

Complications of Type 2 diabetes that could impact your life:

  • Vascular disease can lead to strokes or heart attacks.
  • The overlooked eye bugbear, retinopathy, is lurking to impair your vision.
  • Infection or skin conditions, eager to make you feel uncomfortable.
  • Assault your nerves with the stealthy nerve assassin, neuropathy.
  • Bringing down the kidneys through kidney damage.
  • Amputations are a hefty price to pay due to neuropathy or vessel disease.

Besides these complications, diabetes can cause many more if not treated regularly. The most dangerous is diabetic foot ulcers. It gives pain and swelling to the affected area with discoloration of the skin. If the case is serious, the doctor may suggest removing the damaged skin through surgery. Some medication and therapy can cure it if it is in the first stage.

Diabetes treatment:

Diabetes is a complex condition, and it affects everyone. Healthcare professionals follow many strategies to improve the patient’s health.

Such as:

Checking blood sugar level:

Regularly checking your blood sugar level can give you an idea of whether your treatment is working or not. If the current process is not working to balance your glucose level, then you can change it or consult your doctor for further process.

Oral medicines:

You can manage your blood sugar level. But it is suitable for them which body produces some glucose after having diabetes. Gestational diabetes patient also needs oral medicines to balance their glucose.


Individuals with Type 1 diabetes inject synthetic insulin to survive and control their condition. Some Type 2 diabetes need it, too also. There’s a fascinating array of synthetic insulin types, each with unique working speeds and varying durations in the body.


Mastering the art of meal planning and finding your perfect diet is crucial to diabetes control. Since food plays a starring role in your blood sugar’s story. Keep the carbs in check, and you’ll strike the perfect insulin balance at mealtimes. Eating smart also means a healthy and fabulous you – not to mention a healthier heart.


The power of exercise is not only to look good. It boosts insulin sensitivity. So make regular exercise a part of your daily routine, which can help to manage your diabetes.

Conclusion –

Ultimately, Diabetes treatment cannot have a cure but manage effectively with lifestyle modifications, medications, and proper medical care. Most importantly, it is important to understand your risk factors for developing diabetes and the symptoms to look out for in the early stages. Prompt awareness and treatment can help prevent further health complications stemming from diabetes. If you have any questions about the types of diabetes, consider seeking advice from medical professionals such as those at KBK Multispeciality hospital, who can guide you through any diagnosis and provide ongoing support. We provide pain-free therapy, and within 2-3 months, you can control your blood sugar level.


1. How can I prevent diabetes?

Maintaining a healthy diet, daily physical activities for at least 30 minutes, less stress, limiting your alcohol consumption, quit smoking with 7 to 8 hours of sleep are some easy steps that can help you to reduce the chances of developing diabetes.

2. What is the prognosis for diabetes?

The prognosis for Diabetes treatment depends on several factors, such as the type of diabetes, the affected individual’s commitment to self-care, and the quality of medical management. With the appropriate treatment, lifestyle adjustments, and diligent monitoring of blood sugar levels, individuals living with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes can increase their chances of leading a healthy and high-quality life.

3. What can diabetes not eat?

Fried meats, pork bacon, regular cheeses, deep-fried fish, and mostly oily food diabetes should avoid. They must follow a healthy diet to help balance blood glucose.

4. Which fruits to avoid in diabetes?

People with diabetes should be mindful of their fruit choices. Beware of some fruits that can cause sudden blood sugar spikes. Pineapple, watermelon, mango, lychee, and banana rank high on the glycemic index (GI). So it’s best to indulge in these fruity delights in moderation.

5. What controls diabetes naturally?

Regular exercise, carb intake, eating more fiber, drinking more water, managing stress level, with 8 hours of sleep, you can control your diabetes.

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