What is the Fastest way to get rid of Cellulitis? Advanced Woundcare treatment

What is the Fastest way to get rid of Cellulitis Advanced Woundcare treatment - KBK HOSPITALS BLOG IMAGE 2023.

What is Cellulitis? Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection that affects the deeper layers of the skin and underlying tissues. It is typically caused by bacteria entering the skin through a cut, wound, or break in the skin’s barrier. The most common bacteria responsible for cellulitis are Streptococcus and Staphylococcus. The fastest way to get … Read more

How to Stop Gangrene from Spreading? All the Facts you need to know.

How to stop Gangrene from Spreading All the Facts you need to know - KBK HOSPITALS 2023 (BLOG IMAGE)

Introduction – Gangrene disease is a serious condition that can damage the tissues and organs in your body, leading to severe complications and even amputation. People with diabetes, particularly diabetic foot ulcers, are at a higher risk of developing gangrene due to poor blood circulation, nerve damage, and elevated blood sugar levels. However, with timely … Read more

Most Effective Care & Treatment for Diabetic Foot ulcers in India | KBK Hospitals

Most Effective Care & treatment for Diabetic Foot ulcers in India - KBK Hospitals 2023 BLOG IMAGE.

Introduction – Diabetic foot ulcers are a common but serious problem for people with diabetes. Unfortunately, India has the highest percentage of disabled persons due to diabetic foot-related complications in the world! This means it is increasingly important for medical professionals in this country to be able to provide effective and timely care when faced … Read more

How To Get Relief From Cellulitis Naturally? Natural Remedies & Alternative Medicine

How To Get Relief From Cellulitis Naturally Natural Remedies & Alternative Medicine - KBK HOSPITALS BLOG IMAGE 2023

Introduction – Cellulitis infection is caused by bacteria, which can affect any part of your body. Cellulitis can cause swelling, redness, and pain in areas of the skin. Dealing with cellulitis can be emotionally straining due to its effect on your physical appearance. But some natural remedies offer relief from this condition without relying on … Read more

What is the difference between Natural Gangrene treatment vs. Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment.

Natural Gangrene treatment vs. Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment - KBK Hospitals 2023 BLOG IMAGE.

Introduction – Gangrene is a life-threatening chronic disease which causes from because of a lack of blood flow in the body and infection when dead tissues continue to grow, affecting the body tissues and bones. This kind of condition damages the blood vessels and affects the blood flow. Diabetes and hardened arteries increase the risk … Read more

How to manage & prevent Diabetic Foot Ulcer in Early Stages?

How to manage & prevent Diabetic Foot Ulcer in Early Stages - KBK HOSPITALS BLOG IMAGE 2023.

Introduction – Diabetes is a common health issue globally. Diabetic foot ulcers are one of the most damaging complications associated with diabetes. Diabetic foot ulcers can be so debilitating that, in extreme cases, they can lead to lower limb amputation. So all people with diabetes need to know what causes these foot wounds and how … Read more

What to do if you are Bitten by a Venomous Snake? First aid & Best treatment.

What to do if you are Bitten by a Venomous Snake First aid & Best treatment - KBK HOSPITALS BLOG IMAGE 2023.

Introduction – Snake bites are serious medical emergencies that require immediate treatment and first aid. Venomous snakebites are life-threatening accidents that cause lasting damage to your body. Symptoms of venomous snakebites may range from mild discomforts, such as swelling and pain around the bite area, to more severe conditions, such as seizures or paralysis. You … Read more

Venous Leg ulcer – What are its causes, symptoms, prevention & the best treatment.

Venous Leg ulcer - What are it's causes, symptoms, prevention & the best treatment - KBK HOSPITALS BLOG IMAGE 2023

Introduction – Venous Leg ulcers are sores on legs that take weeks, or sometimes months, to heal. These ulcers occur when the veins in the legs cannot circulate blood back to the heart, resulting in blood pooling in the legs and subsequent damage to the skin. They can worsen quickly, putting you at risk for complications … Read more

Split thickness Skin grafting – What is It’s Benefits and Treatment | KBK Hospitals

Split thickness Skin grafting - What is It's Benefits and Treatment - KBK HOSPITALS BLOG IMAGE 2023

Introduction – Split-thickness skin grafting is a surgical technique to repair and reconstruct damaged or missing tissue. This procedure involves harvesting a thin layer of skin from another part of the body and transferring it to the area that needs coverage. The aim is to restore form, function, and aesthetic appeal where there is scarring … Read more